Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Zija night

This Thursday night there will be a zija meeting in Bowling Green. Dr. Russ Bianchi will be there to explain all the things I have trouble explaining to people.  If there is anyone who wants to go with Linda and me please give us a call and we will be honored to take you. So why would you want to go or even to know anything about what I am talking about?  Well, zija has pretty much changed my life and the lives of many of my friends.  They feel much better and some are making money to boot. 

Last year Linda and I went to get our hair cut by Jennifer.  When we got there we saw a woman who was forty or so pounds lighter and who had a step in her life that was noticeable. I asked her what she had been doing and she simply said,"Zija."  I asked her what that was and she explained as best she could.  When she told me that it was sold through network marketing I thought, "Oh, yeah. A pyramid scheme that sells snake oil.."  I dismissed it at that point.

We went to visit Jennifer's mother and there she was some forty pounds lighter, too.  She had a smile on her face that said how good she was feeling and she seemed to have more energy than I could remember her having.  I asked her what she was doing and she simply said. "Zija."  I dropped it at this point and said no more about it.  Then I noticed a strange thing.  Neither of these fine people tried to sell me anything.  When I asked them they would answer quickly but they never tried to convince me that it was something I should try.  But I wanted to know because I was seeing the results. 

I agreed to try it for three months because they told me it might take that long to get my body like it was supposed to be as far as nutrition was concerned.  It turned out to be the best decision I have made in a long while. 

I do not wish to sell anything to anybody.  I simply want you to feel like I do.  Yes I do make money telling this story and you can as well but that is not my motivation.  Perhaps it is yours.  It for me is like going to a good restaurant.  If the service was good, the place ws clean and the food was good why not tell others about it?  That is what I am doing about zija.  It is good.  It works if you stay with it.  You will be glad you tried it. Call me or e-mail me and I will answer all the questions I can and put you in touch with others who can answer the rest.

I love each of you.  Thank you for reading this far!

wilkinsw@bellsouth.net      561 842 3869 (Florida) or 270 524 5172 (Kentucky) or 561 389 6695 (Linda's cell)

1 comment:

  1. I tried it too, very recently. Can't wait to see the results I get after a few months. :)
