Saturday, October 16, 2010

Emmaus Walk

Linda and I just got back from three days at Gatlinburg, Tn.  We had a wonderful time but had to hurry back on a Thursday so that we could take our friend J.T. to a sendoff for the Emmaus Walk.  And, as always, there was a lot to learn if only we looked and listened.  J.T. was excited about going but on the trip to E-town he was quiet and in thought.  He didn't say much but kept up his usual good nature.  As we talked to him we asked if there were any questions about the weekend.  He didn't have any.  We knew he enjoyed smoking and had wondered if he was wondering about whether or not he would be asked not to smoke there.  So we told him that they had many breaks as the weekend progressed and that they were allowed to smoke at those times.  He then shared something with us that has left its mark on me.  I keep thinking about it over and over.  We had all been watching television about the saving of the miners in Chili.  J.T. said that he had watched and prayed a thanksgiving prayer as each miner had been lifted out of that awful pit after sixty seven days there.  He recalled the trials they endured while there.  They had very little to eat or drink at first.  They could get very little exercise.  Their problems went on and on.  And we all said a prayer of thanks for each one as he was lifted out of that dark hole.  We were thankful fot the safety of each one.  One man said that he had met God and the devil while down there and God had won.  We were all impressed at that. 

When we told J.T. that smoking was allowed to those who chose to do so he simply patted his shirt pocket where his cigarettes normally were and smiled as he said, "If those miners could stay down there in that hell hole for that long with that little food and drink then I certainly should be able to go without smoking for three days as a tribute to my God who also wins." Linda and I were both speechless.  We knew how much of an enjoyment smoking was to him and felt as if that were a fine gift he wanted to give to God.  I am certain that God is surely with him during this special weekend and the time after that.  We all have habits that we wish we did not have but we can learn something here about what a wonderful time in life it is when a friend makes an effort to better himself in order to please God.  Cannot we all benefit by copying this kind of struggle?  I am thankful to God for many things, one of which is for His bringing friends into my life such as J.T.!

Let's spread the good news.  I love my neighbors whomever they are and you are one of those, aren't you?

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