Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The helper

At the liars club this morning I sat across from J.T. Joe sat next to him.  Joe and his son were telling about a project they were building.  I didn't understand exactly what they were doing but I got enough to know that it was a difficult job. I sat there feeling sorry for them. But J.T. asked if they would let him help. What a difference! As J.T. listened he kept coming up with specific ways to help them. He was serious. He obviously really wanted to give them a hand. I know J.T. He is able to help. And what was he asking in return? NOTHING! As I sat there I kept wondering why I don't think like that. I never offered to help at all. I could have but I didn't.

I recalled a time when I was visiting a friend who was dying. There were others there as well. We all felt bad about our friend. But Shirley was home cooking chili for their family. Actions really do speak louder than words. The family has long forgotten the ones of us who were just there to pay our last respects but they will never forget the Christian love Shirley showed.

Each day my prayer is for God to place someone in my path that I can have a kind word for. Or a hug. Or better yet a real act of kindness. I am sure that He answers that but I am often too oblivious to recognize it. It does make me happy however to know that there are J.T.s and Shirleys in the world. Spread some love today, O.K.?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Same ol' Stuff. Don't waste time reading it.

I am seventy-eight years old and I feel like I am forty-five. Why, you ask?  Well I drink Zija every day. I also take the XM3 capsule and am loosing weight and have more energy.  What is all this I am talking about, you ask again?  I do not have enough space or time to write it all here but if you really want to know ask me and I will either write you or e-mail you or call you or come to see you or meet you on common ground.  In just a few minutes I can show you how to feel really good and healthy and make money at the same time.  I thought this was a scam and I am sure some of my friends will agree that that is the case, but I feel better than I have in years and wish the rest of everyone I know would feel the same.  Is that a wrong thing to want? So maybe I am off my rocker but I think I am ready to go bear hunting with a switch. How's that for a start?  I love everybody!  See you tomorrow. Thanks for droping by!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Its me again

I went to breakfast this morning at the local gathering place for the locals.  They all enjoy telling stories, most of which are lies, and playing jokes on each other. A wonderful place to go. I call it The Liars Club. I have listened carefully and have yet to hear anyone say anything about any other that would be offensive or hurtful.  I think they must have accepted me, too, because they now play tricks on me as well. I now see them all as friends. Isn't that a fine way to feel?  I am looking for someone to be good to today if I can. That would make it a perfect day. Would you like to join me> Then do something nice for someone today. Happiness is like jam, you know. You can't spread it without getting it all over yourself.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Willy's Thoughts again

I was privileged to go with Linda and two of my very favorite other people to a flea market in Nashville yesterday.  God gave us the most beautiful day of the year for us to enjoy the time.  So what did I learn?  Well it became clear to me that when the weather is really beautiful people tend to treat each other better.  I have not seen that many smiles in a very long time.  I bought a pair of clip-on sun glasses, wore them for about an hour, leaned over to pick up something and they fell apart.  I went back to the lady I bought them from and showed them to her.  I fully expected her to accuse me of breaking  them but she did not.  She smiled as she opened another package and removed another pair of glasses.  She even apologized to me.  She took my glasses and put the snap-on lens on them.  She showed me how to fix them if it happened again.  And then she thanked me for buying them.  Her husband was there and he apologized as well.  These people will probably never realize just how good they made me feel by their simple act of kindness.  What a learning day!  I sincerely hope that I learned enough to follow suit.  Be happy!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Willy's Thoughts

This is my first blog so be kind.  Each day I plan to share something that I have learned over the years.  A clock that doesn't run at all is right twice a day so I could possibly have learned something to be shared along the way even if it doesn't make sense.  Come back often and let me hear from you.  We can learn together.  Oh! And I love everybody, even the silly ones who do not agree with me.  Ain't that nice?  See you tomorrow.