Thursday, October 7, 2010


It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. When Linda and I went to Sodus, New York recently to see our great grandchildren our granddaughter Shannon told us right away that we might have a hard time bonding with the youngest boy. He is one and a half years old.  His name is Gavin. He is sort of chunky and built like a bowling ball. You know what I mean.  He is the same size any way you happen to measure him. He is really good looking, as all of our family happens to be, and he laughs a lot. When we got there I told Linda that I would take my time trying to win him over. After all it was the first time either of us had ever seen him. So when we arrived we walked into their house, Gavin looked up at us while he was sitting on the floor, jumped up smiling and ran to me with both arms stretched out wanting me to take him.  He stayed in my arms almost the whole time we were there. Does that give your heart a lift?  It did mine!  I have always loved children and this was a very special time in my life. I knew that there could never be a time any better that would happen to me in my lifetime.  Or even be as well.

But I was wrong.  Today we went to see Bobbi Logsdon. We love Bobbi and wanted to see her but the real reason for the visit was to see Rebekah, her one year old granddaughter. We saw her the first week of her life and Julia, her mother, let me hold her for a long time.  That time she didn't even wake up. But today! We walked in and there she sat on the floor playing with some toys. She looked up and ran to me the same way as Gavin did. She jumped up into my arms and snuggled as if to say that she was very happy to see me.  Now don't try to pop my bubble and say she would do that for anybody. Each time I put her down to play she would sort of do some little something and then turn around and come back to me with those little arms stretched out for me to take her again. I can't speak for you but I do know this: children are wonderful and if you let them they can make you very happy. And all without saying a word.

Don't you wish we could all be like children?  I do. I guess that is why I do not really want to grow up.  Children love anyone who is kind to them.  So today be kind to a child. Their smile and hugs will more than pay you for that little bit of time well spent. 

I love you, too, whether you want me to or not, and there ain't nothing you can do about it.  So there!

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