Monday, September 12, 2011

My friend Bob

It was just a normal day at the liar's club.  I was sitting with a few friends and we were settling many world problems when the subject of home fix-it stuff came up.  I wanted to share so I told them about our kitchen sink.  You see, Linda had just told me that when she tried to turn on the water, water sprouted out through the top.  My wanting to impress her I quickly explained to her that it was probably just an o-ring that had worn out.  So I called the company where we had purchased this fine piece of hardware and ordered a set of o-rings that they suggested.  That was all I said.  It was not much of a story but it was all I had at the time.  My friends sitting near me promptly changed the subject.

As nearly always happens at that club it was not long until almost everyone there had left, leaving only two or three of us who were still trying to think of something interesting to say.

That was when Bob entered the picture.  He had been sitting at the far end away from me but apparently had heard every word.  He walked up to me and said, "Come on, Willy.  I am taking you home and I am going to fix your sink."

I barely knew Bob.  Yes, I had met him but we rarely talked.  And there he stood ready to help me.  And he was sincere.  He wasn't looking for any thank-yous or wanting any pay.  He simply wanted to be nice.  It was a random act of kindness we do not often see.  It was a gesture I will never forget. 

It was about a week later when I noticed that we had not seen Bob for several days.  And then John came in with the story:  Bob had been in a wreck and was at the hospital in a coma.  It didn't look good and the doctor had said that he was probably not going to make it.  He had been hit head on by a car driven by a young man who had just been released from jail having been guilty for the third DUI in less than a month.

Bob died.  And I never got the chance to tell him how much I appreciated his very kind offer to help me.  So now I want to share it with anyone who happens to be reading this.  He was a fine man who spent time longing to help others.  What a legacy!  I truly think that there is a special place in Heaven for Bob.  Rest in peace, my friend.  You will be missed.

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